Search Engine Submission Tips
Good web site submission can be considered an art and a science. As we speak
there are thousands of others in the world trying to get there site noticed for
some of the same attributes you are. With millions of web sites on the internet
it can take months for your site to be indexed by search engines. This causes
testing to take a long time.
There is a lot of useful information on the web covering web site submission.
Below is a list of some good searches that can point you in the right
Some sites listed on Google
Some tips from MyOwnProgrammer
Be aware of FREE web site submission tools/sites. Most will ask for your email
address and may pass it on to be used in spam emails. This does not mean they
all do. If they do not they will mention it.
It is usually best to go directly to the main search engines and submit your
site there. A lot of the lesser search engines will use the major search
directories for their searches also. For links to some of the major sites see
"You get what you pay for". If you submit your site to a search engine using
their free submission tools it can take up to two months for your site to be
listed. All of the major search engines have ways you can pay if you wish to
speed up the process.
Try to keep your description tags to fewer than 200 characters.
Put similar words together. If you separate your key words by commas, put words
that can make up phrases together. A lot of search engines will convert the
commas to spaces. Example, "Web,Developer" will now be "Web Developer".
Try to get your site linked to from other sites. Examples include online
magazine articles, job listings, online business directories. A lot of search
engines use spiders to find your site. A spider is a program that goes through
web page links and the more your site is found on other sites, the more popular
it will be and the higher it will appear in their listings.
Getting your site ready to submit to search engines.
In order for your site to make sense to search engines, the pages contained in
your site must be formatted in the right way. Some search engines will only
look at the first x characters of your pages. So it is a good practice to make
the first paragraph(s) in your pages contain important words for helping your
site be found. In the <HEAD></HEAD> section of each page there will
be tags that are the main text that aid search engines in creating meaning for
your page. Below is a sample of a web page header.
<TITLE>This is the page title</TITLE>
<META NAME="keywords" CONTENT="Web,developer,HTML,ASP,FLASH,database">
<META NAME="description" CONTENT="This is the page description.">
The "keywords" text is the list of words that get searched on by most search
engines. Some search engines will catalog your complete site's text, but the
keywords are used by all and are the most important. The keywords can be words
or phrases separated by commas. Try to keep your keyword list to under 200
The "Description" text is the text that will be displayed when your site is
found. You want this text to make sense and to give a good reflection of your
Now go submit your site!
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